Slonov tekmovalni program II (2024)

  1. Author: razni avtorji
  2. Date: sat, 7.12.2024
  3. Time: 11:30
  4. Hall name: Dvorana

Program petih kratkih edinstvenih zgodb o predsodkih, domišljiji, čarobnih svetovih in poletnih družinskih počitnicah, ki včasih niso tako zabavne, kot se zdijo na prvi pogled.

Tickets will be reserved for 10 minutes from the moment you put them in the shopping basket until the moment you start your payment process. After that the tickets will be reserved for an additional 25 minutes.
You may buy up to 10 tickets for an event with one payment.

Shopping basket

Total amount: 0,00 €

Total tickets: 0